Seefeldstrasse 239
8008 Zürich
Tel: +41 44 201 08 34
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HR Services
HR Interim Management
HR Konzepte & Prozesse
HR Outsourcing
Personnel Development
Leadership Development
Personal Development
Change Process
Transfer of Personnel
Situational Assessement
Recruitment Process Insourcing (RPI)
and Outsourcing (RPO)
Outsourcing of Employment Certificates
/in General, HR Outsourcing /by Livio GerberThe certificate of employment plays a very significant role in Switzerland and is an important part of an application.
There are always critical situations and reduction of capacity within Human Resources. Other tasks must be done with priority. Requests for employment or intermediary certificates cannot be executed on time. This can be a big challenge for the Human Resources Management.
Our HR Services “Outsourcing of Employment Certificates” allows you to continue to focus on your core competencies.
Call us:
Zurich: 044 201 08 34 (Regionen: Zurich, Aargau, Zug, Luzern, Basel, Schwyz, Schaffhausen)
St. Gallen: 071 511 2003 (Region of East Switzerland: St. Gallen, Thurgau, Graubünden, Appenzell, Glarus, Liechtenstein)
Learn more about our other HR Services:
HR Interim Management- und HR Outsourcing-Solutions.
Opening branch St. Gallen
/0 Comments/in Coaching, General, HR Interim Management, HR Outsourcing, Newplacement, Recruiting /by Livio GerberWelcome to RECOGNITO HR Services in St. Gallen. Our branch in St. Gallen was opened on the 1st of March 2019 and we are pleased to be represented in the region of Eastern Switzerland. Our team will advise and support you with flexible and holistic HR solutions such as:
We look forward to seeing you.